Thursday, July 24, 2014

Final #2: Monocular Depth Cues

This is my work for the #2 Final. It is a Final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Size Difference

 Take a look at the fins inside the black box. The one on the right looks to be a different size, but they are identical. Each cone is the same scale, but placed in different locations, thus giving an illusion of different sizes.


Occlusion occurs when something we're closer to blocks or occludes other objects. This aides us in telling which objects are closer than the others. In the above photo the cylinder is occluding you from seeing the 4 red cones behind them.

Lighting and Shading

In this one you can see the shadows of the trees, it goes even further where you can see individual branch shadows. The darker colors depict the shadows whereas the vibrant greens show us lighting.

Texture Density

In the first circle by my avatar's foot, you can see the fine detail of the shingles.
Looking at the circle to the right, they are the same exact shingles, however they don't look as defined and are clearly more dense. 

Linear Perspective 

To look at the land mass within the red oval, it appears to be just a sliver of green.
But if you walk all the way to the water's edge, it's the same width as what I am standing on near the tree. 

Atmospheric Perspective

The leaves on the tree just above my right shoulder are sharp and you can see details of each one. The trees in the second circle in the distance have the same rich texture, but  you cannot tell in this photo. It looks fuzzy and a bland color. 

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