Thursday, July 31, 2014

Final Project: Building my virtual Library Museum

This is FInal #6, Building my Library and Museum . This now includes the construction, glimpses of my research papers and videos, then proof of deconstruction It is a final exercise from the ImmersiveEducationcourse that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  

In my building of my Museum I decided it would be easier to remove some existing items and build up from there. 

Using a brick style for my building I made a rather large property. Then by choosing a single block I was able to rescale it and color it to make my door. 

A pavilion was on my land, had to go. 

In this series I again used single textured blocks and played with the scaling to make my PDFs and my Video Links look like big screen TVs

I took a bit of a break and visited my classmate's worlds. 

Alas, all things must end. I used the removal section under building to remove all the public files to protect from copyright issues. 


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