Thursday, July 31, 2014


This is Final 5C MY CUSTOMIZED JAVA GAME. I had to watch a tutorial and had to follow the instructions on how to personalize my game.The steps here were to use my personal photo as the turtle and the IED logo as the snake.. It is a final exercise from the ImmersiveEducationcourse that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  


So in this final I was tasked with customizing my game. I took my ugly BC photo ID and resized it per instructions to no more than 100X100 in size and used my image for the "turtle"

Then as per instruction, I took the IED logo to make it the snake. Now we are told no to resize it but wouldn't you know, it wouldn't work on the final product in Greenfoot as is, so I also resized the logo to under 100X100 and SURPRISE!, it works. 

Then I changed the image of the snake to the IED logo so now you'll see my big head being chased and eaten by the IED logo. YAY

Here's a screenshot of my final game and see above for the link to prove I actually completed the task at hand.  


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